
The complexity of LED technology also requires a strategic approach

These visions of future will be supported by speakers who are monitoring this transformation. Erik Frykholm of Juno Lighting will walk us through the design process which will shed light on how LEDs have affected the lighting design community. Marco Ludwig of Zumtobel will report on the differences in US and Europe as the two regions adopt LED lighting. Ted Konnerth of Egret Consulting Group will talk about the changes happening in the construction industry as it integrates controls, LED lighting and off-grid power.The complexity of LED technology also requires a strategic approach to product development that accounts for market potential. Brent York and Robert Nachtrieb of QuarkStar will present a model that will help in projecting sales by using a multivariate model based historical data and real world market perspective.
Attendees will also hear about the latest in modular light engines as such technologies can simplify the luminaire design process and accelerate time to market. We have talks from companies that have pro-Zhaga, anti-Zhaga, don't-care-about-Zhaga and no-Zhaga perspective.Again in 2013, SIL will include and LED Manufacturing track as manufacturing continues to be one of the hot topics for the LED industry. With worldwide overcapacity and ever increasing pressure to lower the cost of LED component production, the industry is continuously seeking new ways to increase yields and bring overall costs down, while also continuing to improve device performance. The track will provide a focused forum in which key issues that affect the future of LED manufacturing can be addressed.
We are fortunate to have two outstanding keynote speakers who will provide overviews of the status of and outlook for LED manufacturing. Roland Mueller, managing director of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Malaysia, will give a presentation entitled "Key manufacturing success factors in the ever competitive LED market". Tom Morrow, executive vice president of SEMI,Cursher will present "Worldwide LED manufacturing: The race to cost reduction and profitability." Other topics to be addressed in the track include advances in MOCVD technology, high-volume lithography, GaN-on-silicon substrates, process control methods and software implementation,speaker buy online and substrate manufacturing, metrology and standards.While more and more family's seem to be keeping the outdoor holiday decor packed away in boxes, the St.Mobile crusher can be easy moving from one location to another location, so Portable crusher can save many money and energy.Introduce advanced technology and introduce newly two large and three small series crushing and screening equipment. Onge's display grows larger each year. "Family is one of our important ideas as well - the charities are very important as well, but here people have some place to go together," said Colleen. "I remember being with my parents as a little girl and driving around to look at things like this. You don't see as much of that anymore.Optical frame"The St. Onge's encourage children to walk through the maze of lights and ornaments and grab a candy cane.Colleen said LED technology and donations from the Fall River Staples, Home Depot stores located in North Dartmouth, Middletown and Somerset make it possible to keep the display plugged in and looking good.This is often used as a Grater manufacturers for cutting like cutting boxes, opening bottles, but it is too fragile for heavier cutting tasks. The most convenient thing about this is that it can be folded and slipped into your pocket or evenly kept in a small box.

